Nicola da Ulise (died after 1472)
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Nicola da Ulise (died after 1472)
Umbria: Home Cities History “Foreign” Painters in Umbria Hagiography Contact
Nicola di Ulisse seems to have come from Siena but lived in Norcia for most of his career. He was first documented here in 1442, in a group of painters at work in the choir of Sant’ Agostino that also included: Bartolomeo di Tommaso; the German Luca di Lorenzo; Giambono di Corrado da Ragusa; and Andrea de Litio. This work has been lost.
Scenes from the Life of Christ (1461)
Nicola di Ulise signed the frescoes in the nuns’ choir of Sant’ Antonio Abate. In the inscription, Nicola declares himself to be “ingenio nullo superandus” (unsurpassable in the arts).
Madonna and Child with saints (1460)
This frescoed niche in San Francesco depicts the Madonna and Child enthroned with angels, and, in the surrounding arch, SS Peter and Paul and the Lamb of God.
Crucifix (mid-15th century)
Risen Christ (15th century)
This signed panel in the Museo Castellana came from the now-demolished church of San Salvatore.
Christ’s Descent into Limbo (15th century)
This [fresco?] is on the left wall of San Salvatore di Campi.
Sant’ Eutizio Polyptych (1472)
This polyptych by Nicola di Ulisse was moved from the Abbazia di Sant’ Eutizio to Spoleto for security in 1883 after the theft of Reliquary of St Eutychius from the abbey. It is now in Room 14 of the Museo di Ducato di Spoleto. It was restored in 1920 and again in 1983. An inscription that was legible in the 16th century recorded the name of the artist and the date. The central space, which is now empty, probably originally housed a statue (perhaps of the Madonna and Child or of St Eutychius). The remaining figures depict:
✴SS Placidus and Benedict on the left; and
✴SS Spes and Florentius (with his bear) on the right.