Giovanni Baglione was born in Rome. He is best remembered for his acrimonious involvement with Caravaggio. He was a prolific artist, but his most important legacy was his book “Le Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori, Architetti ed Intagliatori dal Pontificato di Gregorio XII del 1572 Fino a’ Tempi de Papa Urbano VIII nel 1642”. He was closely involved in the Accademia di San Luca, and was knighted by Pope Paul V in 1606.
St Mary Magdalene (1612)
This altarpiece, which is by/attributed to Giovanni Baglioni, is in San Domenico (the 6th chapel on the left). [Dated by inscription ?]
Martyrdom of St Stephen (ca. 1608)

St Martin and the Beggar (ca. 1630)
Giovanni Baglione records in his autobiography that Cardinal Gaspare Borgia commissioned this altarpiece for his chapel in the Chiesa della Madonna di San Giovannino, Rome. The panel, which depicts the mounted St Martin cutting his cloak in half to share it with a beggar, now forms part of the Collection of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia.
Panels (1609)
The Campello family commissioned three panels from Giovanni Baglione for their new chapel (to the right of the entrance) in Santa Maria di Loreto. These panels, which are in the deposit of the Commune, depict:
✴the Visitation;
✴the Nativity (which is signed and dated by inscription); and
✴the Adoration of the Magi.