Key to Umbria: Foligno

Bernardino, the son of Pierantonio Mezzastris, was first documented in 1502.  He was a young man at that point, probably working in his father’s workshop.  He emerges as an independent artist only after his father’s death in 1506.

Two signed frescos (see below) are known:

  1. the Madonna and Child with saints (1507) in Sant’ Illuminata, Montefalco; and

  2. Madonna and Child with saints (1533) in the now-closed Chiesa Tonda, Spello.


St Amicus (1508)

This detached fresco in Room 4 of the Pinacoteca Civica, which is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris and dated by inscription, came from the church of the Ospedale Vecchio di San Giovanni Battista.

Crucifixion (1525)

This fresco in Santa Maria Infraportas (in the 2nd bay on the right wall, which is dated by inscription, is attributed Bernardino Mezzastris.  It depicts the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Baptist.

St Roch (16th century)

This fresco in Santa Maria Infraportas (under the 3rd arch on the left) is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris.

Frescoes (16th century)

These frescoes in San Giovanni Battista, which are attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris, depict:

  1. the Madonna and Child enthroned with SS Antony of Padua and Felicianus; and

  2. the Crucifixion (damaged).

Madonna and Child with saints (16th century)

This damaged fresco in San Domenico (in the left apsidal chapel), which is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris, depicts the Madonna and Child enthroned with St John the Baptist and other saints and angels.


Madonna and Child with saints (16th century)

This fresco in Sant’ Agostino (in a niche in the right wall), which is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris, depicts the Madonna and Child enthroned with SS Andrew and Nicholas of Tolentino and musical angels.


Frescoes (1507)

These frescoes in Sant’ Illuminata (in the 1st chapel on the left), which are signed by Bernardino Mezzastris and dated by inscription, depict:
  1. the Madonna and Child enthroned;

  2. SS Roch, Sebastian, Nicholas of Tolentino and Augustine, on the left;

  3. St Clare of Montefalco, Blessed Joanna and SS Catherine of Alexandria and Illuminata, on the right; and

  4. angels throwing flowers, in the dome.

Painted niche (1529)

The Commune commissioned this niche in Sant’ Agostino ( in 1529, as a votive offering after the cessation of an epidemic.  The fresco of God the Father and angels holding a cloth of honour is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris.  The niche was intended to house a statue of the Archangel Raphael; it now contains a polychrome wooden statue (15th century) of St Nicholas of Tolentino.


Madonna and Child with saints (1533)

This fresco, which is signed by Bernardino Mezzastris and dated by inscription, was in the now-closed Chiesa Tonda (in the niche on the left in the apse).  It depicted the Madonna and Child with SS Anna, Joseph and Michael.


Crucifixion (16th century)

This damaged fresco high up in the apse of San Salvatore, which is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris, depicts the Crucifixion with;

  1. St John the Baptist and the Virgin, on the left and

  2. SS John the Evangelist and Senzius,who spears a green dragon, on the right.

Read more:

G. Benazzi and E. Lunghi (Eds), “Pierantonio Mezzastris: Pittore a Foligno nella Seconda Metà del Quattrocento” (2006) Foligno  (See p. 239 et seq. for Bernardino Mezzastris).

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Bernardino Mezzastris (died after 1539)

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