Key to Umbria: Bevagna

Important Works of Art in Bevagna

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The images below link to pages on the most important artists with works in or from Bevagna.

Bartolomeo da Miranda (died after 1449)

From Miranda, near Terni; moved to Spoleto

A damaged fresco fragment (15th century) of the Annunciation in San Domenico (to the right of the entrance) is attributed  to Bartolomeo da Miranda.

Bernardino Mezzastris (died after 1539)

From Foligno

A fresco (16th century) of the Maestà and God the Father with SS Andrew and Nicholas of Tolentino in Sant’ Agostino (in a niche on the right wall) is attributed to Bernardino Mezzastris.

[Temporary link to Bernardino Mezzastris]

Dono Doni (1505-75)

From Assisi

The Ciccoli Altarpiece (ca. 1565) from San Francesco, which is now in the Pinacoteca, is attributed to Dono Doni.

Valentino Martelli (1550-1630)

From Perugia

Valentino Martelli submitted this wooden architectural model (now in the Pinacoteca) prior to the construction of Santa Maria delle Grazie in 1583.  In fact, many changes were made during the subsequent construction, and the dome and campanile in particular differ from the original intention.

Ascensidonio Spacca, il Fantino (1557-1646)

From Bevagna

Many works by or attributed to il Fantino survive in his native city.  They include a signed altarpiece (1609) of the Madonna di Constantinopoli with saints, which Loreto Duranti commissioned for his family chapel in San Francesco, a detail of which is illustrated here.

Andrea Camassei (1602–1649)

From Bevagna, based in Rome

Andrea Camassei trained under il Fantino (above) and then enjoyed a successful career in Rome.  However, he maintained his links with his native Bevagna throughout his life, and a number of works by or attributed to him survive here.  These include this lovely head of a saint (17th century, attributed) in the Pinacoteca, which was part of an otherwise lost altarpiece of unknown provenance.

Marcantonio Grecchi (1573-1651)

From Siena, lived in Foligno in ca. 1600-21, before moving to Spello

An altarpiece in Sant’ Agostono, Bevagna is also attributed to Marcantonio Grecchi.

[Temporary link to Marcantonio Grecchi]

Bernardino Gagliardi (died 1660)

From Città di Castello

The frescoes (1655) of scenes from the life of St Francis in the cloister of San Francesco, which were signed by Bernardino Gagliardi and dated by inscription, no longer survive.

[Temporary link to Bernardino Gagliardi]

Giovanni Battista Pacetti, lo Sguazzino (1593-1662)

From Città di Castello

Giovanni Battista Pacetti acquired the nickname “lo Sguazzino" because of his slap-dash methods: “sguazzare” means to splash.  Several works by or attributed to him survive in San Domenico, Bevagna.  The panel (1642) illustrated here, which is signed and dated, depicts the miracle of the Crucifix that spilt blood over the Blessed James Bianconi as he prayed before it. 

Carlo Lamparelli (died 1727)

From Spello 

This undocumented altarpiece (ca. 1700) in the Pinacoteca Comunale, which was previously attributed to Andrea Camassei, has recently been attributed to Carlo Lamparelli.  It depicts the Madonna and Child with the young St John the Baptist, set in a landscape.

Francesco Mancini (1679-1758) 

From Sant’ Angelo in Vado, Pesaro; based in Rome

This altarpiece (ca. 1730) of St John the Baptist, which was originally oval, is of unknown provenance.  It is a replica of an one that Francesco Mancini sent from Rome to Fano in 1726 in thanks for having been given citizenship there.  (This original is now in the Pinacoteca there).  There is a similar copy that is now in the Museo Diocescano, Perugia: both are attributed to Francesco Mancini or his workshop.

Etienne Parrocel, il Romano (1696-1776)

From Avignon; based in Rome

This altarpiece (1738) of the Holy Family on the high altar of Santa Maria della Consolazione is signed by Etienne Parrocel and is dated by inscription.  An altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin in Santa Maria del Monte is attributed to him.

Mariano Piervittori (1815-88)

From Tolentino, moved to Foligno as a child

This fresco (ca. 1886) by Mariano Piervittori on the ceiling of the Teatro Francesco Torti in Palazzo dei Consoli depicts dancing muses.

Domenico Bruschi (1840-1910)

From Perugia

Domenico Bruschi was one of the most important artists of the Risorgimento.  He painted the original fire curtain (ca. 1886) of the Teatro Francesco Torti in Palazzo dei Consoli.

[Temporary link to Domenico Bruschi]

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