Key to Umbria: Bevagna

Monuments of Bevagna

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The images below link to detailed pages on the most important monuments in Bevagna.

Ancient Cult Sites

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Palazzo dei Consoli (1270)

Bevagna had consuls from at least 1187.  The present palace, which is attributed to Maestro Prode, was built after the sacking of Bevagna by the army of the Emperor Frederick II in 1249. 

Roman Monuments (1st and 2nd centuries AD)

This page describes:
  1. the Roman Amphitheatre (1st century AD);

  2. the Roman Theatre (1st century AD)

  3. the Roman Baths (early 2nd century AD), which house the mosaic illustrated here);

  4. the Roman Temple (early 2nd century AD); and

  5. the Roman Warehouse (ca. 33 BC - 14 AD)

Sant' Agostino (1316)

The Augustinians built this church and the adjacent convent in a part of the medieval city that was outside the Roman walls.

SS Annunziata (1487) 

A community of Observant Franciscans acquired this site in 1487 for a new church and an adjacent convent.   The church served as a parish church for the local rural communities.  The convent closed in 1963 and the property is now privately owned.  

SS Domenico e Giacomo (1397)

The commune gave this site   to the Blessed James Bianconi in 1291, as reward for his aid to refugees after the Emperor Frederick II sacked Bevagna in 1249.  He rebuilt the church and established an adjacent convent.  He died in the convent in 1301. The Dominicans built the present church (and gave it its present dedication) in 1397, probably as part of an ultimately unsuccessful  bid for his canonisation.

San Filippo Neri (1725)

The Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri was first established at Bevagna in 1720.  The present church was built in 1725 to the right of the Chiesa della Madonna della Provvidenza, which still survives to the left.   The venerated image that gave its name to this earlier church and the equally venerated statue of the Madonna Addolorata that replaced it are now both in San Filippo Neri. 

San Francesco (after 1275)

The Franciscans originally settled outside what is now Porta Cannara.  In 1275, the Prior of San Michele gave them an oratory on this site, upon which they built the present church and the adjoining convent.

Santa Margherita (1630-40)

A community of Benedictine nuns moved here in ca. 1350. The popularity of their church increased after 1627, when it received relics of St Philip Neri. They were thus able to finance the construction of the present church.  The complex passed to a community of Augustinian nuns in 1906.

Santa Maria delle Grazie (1583)

A certain Pancascio, a native of Bevagna, erecting a wayside tabernacle on this site in 1462 to enclose a fresco that he had painted of the Madonna delle Grazie, after he miraculously recovered from an illness.  In 1582, this venerated image performed miracles.  The present church was built soon after, to a design by Valentino Martelli.  Pope Sixtus V (1585-90) gave it to the Compagnia della Misericordia, perhaps while it was still in construction.

San Michele Arcangelo (ca. 1200)

An earlier church on this site was consecrated in 1070.  An inscription on thefacade of the present church records it as the work of Rodulfus andBinellus.  The baptistery of Bevagna was transferred here from San Vincenzo in 1377.  Pope Paul V restored San Michele to collegiate status in 1621 and the church restored and re-consecrated in 1666.  The baroque decoration of the church and crypt was removed in 1951–7.

San Silvestro (1195) 

An inscription on the side of the main portal of this church commemorates its foundation in 1195.  This is the earliest known work by Binellus, pre-dating his period of collaboration with Rodulfus on San Michele (above). 

Other Churches

This page describes:
  1. the Chiesa del Gonfalone (16th-18th centuries);

  2. Santa Maria della Consolazione (1735) illustrated here;

  3. Santa Maria in Laurenzia (13th century); 

  4. Madonna della Rosa (1641); and

  5. San Vincenzo (12th century)

Other Nunneries

This page describes:
  1. Santa Maria de Ponte Lapidum, the apse of which is illustrated here; 

  2. Santa Lucia (1272); and 

  3. Santa Maria del Monte (14th century), the nunnery of which is in the middle distance in the illustration

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