Giorgio Vasari, who was born in Arezzo, was a painter and architect, but he is best remembered as an art historian. The second edition of his “Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times”, which was published in 1568, is still in print (including in English translation).
Vasari’s great grandfather had been the uncle of Luca Signorelli. Vasari recollected that Signorelli had “lodged in the house of the Vasari [in Arezzo], when I ... was a little boy of eight years old, [and] I remember that the good old man, who was most gracious and courteous”. Eight years later, Vasari moved to Florence, where Cardinal Silvio Passerini, the guardian of the young Ippolito and Alessandro de' Medici, sponsored his education alongside them. He also studied art there under Andrea del Sarto. The Medici were his patrons throughout his life.
Vasari was famously a friend and great admirer of Michelangelo. The two artists were among the founders of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence in 1563, with the support of Duke Cosimo I de' Medici. This was the first such institution to be established in Italy.
Vasari enjoyed high reputation during his lifetime and made a considerable fortune. The Casa Vasari, which he built in 1547, is now a museum of his life and work.
Città di Castello
Vasari’s work in Città di Castello was mostly carried out for the Vitelli family, who provided a series of military commanders for the Medici in Florence.
Work at Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera (1534)
In his “Life” of Cristofano Gherardi, il Doceno, Vasari reports that Alessandro Vitelli sent him (i.e. Vasari) to Città di Castello, together with Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane and Pier Francesco da Viterbo, to “repair the walls of the ... garden of [Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera], which were threatening to fall down”. He took Cristofano Gherardi and other pupils with him, and they completed, to Vasari’s designs:
✴friezes in “certain apartments”;
✴“scenes and compartments” in a bathroom; and
✴frescoes for the “walls of the loggia”.
Frescoes of the Garden Facade (1534-7)
The frescoes on the arch over the street to the left must have been executed after 1543, presumably by another artist. These were largely repainted in 1912.
Cappella Vitelli (ca. 1564)
Vasari remodelled this chapel in San Francesco (the 1st chapel off the nave on the left). The Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Città di Castello financed the restoration of the chapel and its altarpiece (below) in 2004.
Coronation of the Virgin with saints (ca. 1564)
[Identify the saints in the lower part of the altarpiece]
Tabernacle (1555-61)
Girolamo Maffei received payments for this tabernacle for the high altar of San Pietro in 1553. There seems to have been some dissatisfaction with its design, and a new design was commissioned from Giorgio Vasari in 1555. In 1559, Girolamo and his brother Giacamo Maffei were commissioned to complete it. It was destroyed in 1680.
Panels in San Pietro (1566)
✴a miracle of Elisha (on the right wall);
✴a miracle of St Benedict (also on the right wall); and
✴the feast at Cana (on the left wall, illustrated here).
These subjects, which all involve miracles that occurred during meals, were of course appropriate for the original location in the refectory.