Key to Umbria

Domenico Maria Muratori was born in Bologna and spent periods working in Naples and Rome.  Panels in Assisi and Orvieto are attributed to him.


Madonna and Child with Saints (18th century)

The altarpiece in the Cappella del Rosario in Santa Maria degli Angeli (the 5th chapel on the right) is attributed to Domenico Maria Muratori.  It depicts the Madonna and Child with SS Rufinus, Clare and Benedict.  Two Franciscans to the right watch as the baby Jesus gives a rosary to St Clare.


Altarpiece (1724)

Cardinal Filippo Antonio Gualterio commissioned this panel for the Altare dei SS Giovanni Battista e Agnese, a new altar that he erected in the Cappella Nuova of the Duomo.  It is attributed to Domenico Maria Muratori and was probably executed in Rome.  It depicts St John the Evangelist writing his gospel, with SS John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, St Agnes (with a lamb) and Charles Borromeo (who looks out of the “window” formed by the frame).

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Domenico Maria Muratori (1661-1742) 

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Domenico Maria Muratori in: Assisi     Orvieto