Antonio, the son of Nicolò Circignani, seems to have been born in Città della Pieve. He trained in his father’s workshop and, when his father died when he was still at an early stage in his career, he seems to have been helped professionally by the older Cristoforo Roncalli. All three shared the nickname il Pomarancio.
Antonio’s student, Bartolomeo Barbiani, signed himself as “ALUMNUS ANTONII POMARANCI” in an altarpiece (1619) in Todi.
Immaculate Virgin with saints (17th century)

Frescoes in Santa Maria degli Angeli (ca. 1602)
These frescoes in the Cappella di Sant' Anna (originally the Cappella della Natività della Vergine) in Santa Maria degli Angeli are attributed to Antonio Circignani. (A self-portrait of the young artist appears behind the figure of King David). This chapel originally belonged to the Breccia-Vigilanti family (as did the present Palazzo Giacobetti Vallemani - see below). It subsequently passed to the Fiumi-Roncalli family, who commissioned its decoration. Cristoforo Roncalli (see above), who was related to the Roncalli family, later painted the altarpiece of the chapel, and it seems likely that Antonio Circignani received this prestigious commission through his good offices.
The frescoes depict scenes from the lives of Christ and the Virgin. The main scenes include:
✴the presentation of the Virgin at the Temple (on the right wall); and
✴the marriage of the Virgin (on the left wall).
Frescoes in Palazzo Giacobetti Vallemani (ca. 1602)

St Francis in ecstasy Joseph before Pharoah
The frescoes in (respectively) the Sala di San Francesco and Sala di Giuseppe Ebreo of Palazzo Giacobetti Vallemani are attributed to Antonio Circignani. (Those in the Sala di Giuseppe Ebreo are close to his documented frescoes (1600-1) in Palazzo Mattei di Giove, Rome.) These frescoes were probably commissioned by Monaldo Vigilanti, who built what was then Palazzo Breccia Vigilanti. The arms of the Breccia and Vigilanti families in the Sala di San Francesco have been overpainted with the Giacobetti arms.
Immaculate Virgin with saints (17th century)

Martyrdom of St Margaret of Antioch (ca. 1606)
These important frescoes on the walls of Santa Margherita depict four scenes of the martyrdom of St Margaret of Antioch (died 303). They are variously attributed to Federico Zuccari or to Antonio Circognani.
Marriage of the Virgin (1612)