Teatro Verdi (1840-99)
Only the facade survived the bombardment of the Second World War. The interior was rebuilt by Fernando Lucioli in 1949, when he bought a 50 year lease on the property.
The current programme is published on the page Cartellone e informazioni Teatro Verdi di Terni.
Politeama Lucioli (1816, demolished in 1971)
Paolo Gazzoli acquired the site in 1816, when the hospice of the Confraternita di San Nicandro, which had moved here in 1739, moved again to a site outside the city after a typhoid epidemic. He demolished the hospice and built an open-air, circular amphitheatre that was used for theatrical performances and other spectacles.
In 1880, Virgilio Alterocca bought the amphitheatre and built a roof so that it could be used in all weathers. Fernando Lucioli, for whom it is now named, adapted it as a cinema in 1969 but it was demolished in 1971.