Key to Umbria: Terni

Museo d' Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

"Aurelio De Felice"

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This collection of modern art was moved in 2009 to the new Centro Arti Opificio Siri (c.a.o.s.), the purpose-built museum complex in the ex-Opificio Siri (the factory of the Società Italiana Ricerche Industriali).  It contains [drawings by artists such as Chagall and Picasso, as well as] work by important local artists.

Orneore Metelli (1872-1938)

Metelli was a shoemaker from Terni who turned to painting late in life.  He became an important exponent of naive art.  The works exhibited here include:

  1. his self-portrait as a musician; and

  1. a number of scenes set in Terni.

Aurelio De Felice (1915-96)

The collection of works by this important local sculptor exhibited here include;

  1. bronze figures of boys (1940-1), one playing the flute and the other playing the oboe; and

  1. a bronze figure of a young girl (1960)

Living Artists from Terni

Works in the collection by living local artists include:

  1. this striking view of Terni (2005) by Sandro Bini; and

  1. Man on a Divan (1990) by Giampiero Nucciarelli.

Styles of Modern Art

Other interesting rooms in the gallery are devoted to:

  1. Realism (Room 1);

  1. Abstract Art (Room 2); and

  1. Post-Modern Art (Room 4).

Museum catalogue:

Pinacoteca Comunale ‘Orneore Metelli’ di Terni: Dipinti e Sculture del XIX e XX Secolo”, J. Nigro Covre (Ed.), Milan (2000).

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