Key to Umbria: Spoleto

Santa Maria della Manna d' Oro (1528)

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The  iconography of Santa Maria della Manna d' Oro became popular in Spoleto in 1527, when the Imperial troops who marched by the city after the sack of Rome left it largely unmolested.  Indeed, commerce with the soldiers proved to be profitable for the city and its merchants.  The windfall was attributed to the will of the Virgin and likened to the  provision of manna for the people of Israel in the Old Testament.

The Commune commissioned this church in the immediate aftermath of these events.  The rectangular lower storey was built quite quickly but the octagonal lantern above belongs to a later phase of construction.


The interior is also octagonal, with the high altar on the wall opposite the entrance.

Font (16th century)

The font (16th century) at the centre of the church came from the Duomo.  It is decorated with eight reliefs of scenes from the life of Christ.

Monument to Bernardino Lauri (ca. 1516)

This monument to Bishop Bernardino Lauri of Policastro (died 1516), which is above the entrance, came from the Duomo.

Rest on the Flight to Egypt (ca. 1735)

This altarpiece on the 2nd altar on the left is by Sebastiano Conca.

Annunciation (ca. 1735)

This altarpiece on the 2nd altar on the right is by Nicolò Costantini, perhaps to a design by Sebastiano Conca.

Art from the Church

Birth of the Virgin (ca. 1735)

This altarpiece by Sebastiano Conca is now in the Museo Diocesano.

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