Key to Umbria: Spoleto

San Luca (1790)

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Ex-convento di San Luca

A community of Brothers of Penance of Christ (Saccati, or "Sack-bearers") settled here in ca. 1273.  This order was suppressed at the Second Council of Lyon (1274).  The brothers managed to stay at San Luca for a period: their presence in Spoleto is documented in 1296, but their convent was empty by 1313, when it passed to the Servite Order. 

The church and convent were rebuilt on a larger scale in 1790, which required the demolition of a church that was dedicated to St Roch.   This dedication passed to the current church of San Rocco

The complex was suppressed in 1860. 

The church (visible on the right in the photograph (1891) below was demolished in 1947 to make way for a new women's prison.  [The remains of a Roman mosaic were discovered during the demolition].

Part of the convent survives ...

including an aedicule with an image of the Madonna.

Art from the Church

Virgin and Servite Order (1720)

This panel by Pietro Labruzzi, which depicts the Virgin conferring a habit on the founders of the Servite Order, is now in the Museo Diocesano.

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