Key to Umbria: Spoleto

Francesco Refini, who came from Spoleto, seems to have worked in Rome in 1635-40.  He might be the artist “Rofini” who attended a meeting of the Accademia di San Luca there in 1643.  Relatively few of his works are signed or documented, but a number that are  attributed to him on stylistic grounds survive, particularly in Spoleto.


Panels in San Domenico (17th century)

Two panels in the transept of San Domenico are attributed to Francesco Refini:

  1. Christ with SS Dominic and Catherine of Siena (ca. 1664), which was removed from the ceiling of the nave in 1934; and

  2. the Madonna in glory with SS Hyacinth and Brictius.

Panels (1684)

Bishop Ludovico Sciamanna commissioned these 21 panels, one of which is signed by Francesco Refini and dated by inscription, for the ceiling of the Cappella del Sacramento of the Duomo.

St Joseph in his workshop (17th century)

This panel, which is attributed to Francesco Refini, is on the high altar of San Giuseppe (see Walk III).

St Francis of Sales Crushes Heresy (17th century)

This panel in San Filippo Neri is attributed to Francesco Refini.

Panels in Pinacoteca (17th century)

Three panels in the [Pinacoteca] are attributed to Francesco Refini:

  1. a pair of panels (1649), which are dated by inscription, depicting;

  2. the  derision of Christ; and

  3. the beheading of St John the Baptist;

  4. a pair of panels depicting St Sebastian and St Mary Magdalene, each of whom is seated on the ground and set in a landscape; and

  5. a panel of the Trinity (Christ on the cross, with God the Father and a dove representing the Holy Spirit), surrounded by angels, which probably came from Santa Trinità.

Birth of St John the Baptist (17th century)

The signature of Francesco Refini was discovered in 1977 during the restoration  of this altarpiece, which came from the high altar of San Giovanni Battista.   [Is it in Palazzo Comunale?]


Madonna and Child with saints (ca. 1674)

Canon Lattanzio Sermattei commissioned this altarpiece for the Altare di San Gaetano di Thiene of San Rufino after the canonisation in 1671 of St Gaetano (or Cajetan) of Thiene, a co-founder of the Theatine Order.  The newly-canonised saint is depicted on the right, meditating upon a vision of the Madonna and Child in glory, in which the Madonna sends angels to crown the murdered St Peter Martyr.  The altarpiece is attributed to Francesco Refini. 


Panels in Santa Chiara

Two panels (ca. 1692) in the Cappella di Sant’ Onofrio of Santa Chiara, which are attributed to Francesco Refini, depict:
  1. the death of St Onuphrius (in the oval altarpiece); and

  2. the Trinity (above).

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Francesco Refini (died after 1692)

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