Key to Umbria: Spoleto

Palazzo della Signoria (14th century)

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Palazzo della Signoria

with the Chiesa della Manna d’ Oro

above and to the left

The huge arcade that supports the terrace of Piazza del Duomo belongs to the so-called Palazzo della Signoria.  An earlier public palace on this site known as Palazzo di Santa Maria was recorded as the residence of the Podestà in 1230. 

The construction of its successor in the 14th century had not proceeded much beyond the level of the Piazza  del Duomo when it was abandoned.  This second palace is undocumented, but there are at least two theories as to its origins:

  1. Giuseppe Sordini believed that it had been started by Pietro Pianciani, who was the effective ruler of Spoleto for much of the period 1327-47.  It is from this theory that the palace takes its name.

  2. Other authorities attribute its design to Matteo di Giovannello, il Gattapone, and believe that this was contemporary with his work on the Rocca (i.e. 1362-70).

The structure housed a prison from 1860.  Giuseppe Sordini restored it in 1903 and established the Museo Archeologico here in 1910.  The  museum move to Sant' Agata in 1985.

The entrance to the palace is in Via del Duomo (the door to the right in this illustration).

The vaulted rooms within are sometimes used for exhibitions.

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