This follower of Giotto is named for a painted crucifix in the Pinacoteca Civica (see below).
A double-sided processional cross (ca. 1310) in the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut is attributed to this master.
Christus Patiens (ca. 1300)
Crucifixion with Saints (ca. 1300)
This fresco, which is attributed to the Maestro della Croce di Gubbio, is in a niche in the wall of what was the refectory of Palazzo dei Canonici (now Room V of the Museo Diocesano). It depicts of the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist, flanked by two of the patron saints of Gubbio: SS James and Marianus.
Processional Cross (ca. 1300)
This double-sided processional cross, which is attributed to the Maestro della Croce di Gubbio, entered the Galleria Nazionale from the Accademia di Belle Arti in the 19th century.
✴One side depicts the Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist to the sides, soldiers on the apron and SS Francis and Antony of Padua at the foot of the Cross.
✴The other side depicts (much less conventionally) the flagellation of Christ, with angels to the sides and a bishop saint below.
The presence of Franciscan saints at the foot of the Cross and the presence of the Flagellation of Christ on the reverse suggests that it was originally commissioned for a confraternity of penitents under Franciscan auspices.