Key to Umbria: Città di Castello

Museums in Città di Castello

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Key to Umbria has pages on the following museums in Città di Castello:

  1. Museo del Duomo, in the ex-Canonica;

  1. Pinacoteca Comunale, in Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera; and


  1. Collezione Burri, in Palazzo Albizzini and Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco.

In addition, the excursion to the excavations of Pliny’s villa at Colle Plinio includes a visit to the associated Museo Pliniano, which occupies two floors of Villa Magherini Graziano, at nearby Celalba di San Giustino.    

This page in the website of the Commune gives opening hours and other details of the museums above, and of the other museums in Città di Castello.

This page in the website of the Commune describes the Raccolta Civica, a small collection of archeological finds from the Upper Tiber Valley that used to be exhibited in the Biblioteca Comunale “Giosue Carducci”.  It is awaiting relocation, possibly in the Pinacoteca Comunale.

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