Detail of a triptych Crucifixion with saints (early 14th century)
attributed to the Maestro Espressionista di Santa Chiara
Cappella di San Giorgio, Santa Chiara
St Agnes (Agnese di Favarone di Offreduccio) was the younger sister of St Clare. She joined St Clare during her short stay at Sant Angelo in Panzo on Mount Subasio in ca. 1212, resisting her family's violent attempt to remove her. St Francis then cut off her hair to reflect her new religious status and she went with St Clare to found the community at San Damiano.
In 1219, St Clare sent St Agnes to found a new community at Santa Maria di Monticelli outside Florence. She was the abbess there until 1253, when she returned to San Damiano attend the dying St Clare. She died at San Damiano a few months later and was buried there. Her remains were taken to Santa Chiara in 1257 and are currently interred under the altar of the Cappella di Sant' Agnese there.
St Agnes was never formally canonised, but Pope Benedict XIV (1740-58) gave permission to the Franciscans for the celebration her feast.