Key to Umbria


St Text

Please be aware that what follows are the speculations of an amateur.  If you have a serious interest, you would do well to consult the sources referenced below.

[In construction]

Although St Anastasius is the leader of the group of saints in the Legend of the 12 Syrians, St Proculus

St Proculus;

Passio s. Proculi (St Proculus - BHL 6955 - 1st June)

When the party split up at a place called “Pax Sanctorum”, St Proculus went to Narni and continued to Carsulae.

St Eutychius

  1. St Eutychius

  2. the Passio s. Euticii Confessoris  (St Eutychius - BHL ?? - 23rd May)

When the party split up at a place called “Pax Sanctorum”, St Eutychius settled as a hermit near lake Bolsena.

According to the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I (593), St Eutychius was a hermit who became the abbot of what became the Abbazia di Sant’ Eutizio, probably in the late 5th century.

St Herculanus

  1. St Herculanus

  2. the Passio s. Herculanus ep. Perusinus (St Herculanus - BHL 3823 - 1st March)

According to the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I (593), St Herculanus, bishop of Perugia, was martyred by Totila in ca. 549

St Laurence

  1. St Laurence

When the party arrived in Rome, Bishop/Pope Urban ordained St Laurence as a deacon.

St John

  1. St John

The Martyrology of Florus records St John the hermit (from an unspecified location) under 19th March.  The Martyrology of Adon (858) records St John Penariensis under the same date, and these two references probably refer to the same saint.

In all of these independent accounts, only two record specifically Syrian figures:

  1. St Isaac in the Dialogues; and 

  2. St John Penariensis in the Martyrology of Adon

There are in fact a number of other parallels between these two saints:

  1. both were viewed with suspicion when they first arrived in Spoleto; and

  2. both established eremetical monasteries outside the city.

St Isaac

  1. St Isaac

According to the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I (593), St Isaac arrived at Spoleto “at the time that the Goths first invaded Italy” and lived there “almost to the last days of the Goths” (i.e. almost to 562).


Read more:

F. Lanzoni, “Le Diocesi d'Italia dalle Origini al Principio del Secolo VII”, Faenza (1927) pp 427-34

E. Paoli, “I Santi Siri dell’ Umbria e della Sabina”, in 
“Agiografia e Strategie Politico-Religiose: Alcuni Esempi da Gregorio Magno al Concilio di Trento”, Spoleto (1997) pp 3-50

M. de Ghantuz Cubbe, “Una Leggenda su alcuni Santi Monaci Siriani Emigrati in Umbria nel VI Secolo Segnalata dallo Storico Maronita Duwayahi”, Studi sull’ Oriente Cristiano, 
Part I: 2:1 (1998) pp 5-40 
Part II: 2:2 (1998) pp 5-30 

R. Cordella and A. Inverni, “San Brizio di Spoleto, la Pieve e il Santo: Storia, Arte, Territorio”, Spoleto (2000) 

There are two important articles in: 
“Umbria Cristiana: dalla Diffusione del Culto al Culto dei Santi (secc. IV-X): Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull' Alto Medioevo (Spoleto, 23-28 Ottobre 2000)”, Spoleto (2001): 
E. Paoli, “ L' Agiografia Umbra Altomedievale”, pp 479-529 
S. Nessi, “La Diocesi di Spoleto tra Tardoantico e Medioevo”, pp 833-81

Unless otherwise stated, the legend referred to is BHL 1620 in the version from the vCodex Barberiniano (now in the Vatican Library) published in the “Acta Sanctorum”, July, Volume I (1719).  This is entitled “Tractatus Praeliminaris” (search on “Passio atque conversio”).
The version of the legend (BHL 1622) referred to was published by Bonino Mombrizio in “Sanctuarium seu vitæ Sanctorum” Volume I (1480) and republished in 1910.  It is entitled “Passio SS Abundii et Carpofori Martyrum” (page 53 of this scan).

The textual similarities between the entries for St Brictius and SS Carpophorus and Adundius in the Martyrology of Florus on the one hand and BHL 1620 on the other are set out in: 
H. Quentin, “Les Martyrologies Historiques du Moyen Age”, Spoleto (1908, reprinted 2002) p 254-5 

Material here on SS Vincenzo e Anastasio at Aquae Salviae came from: 
J. Barclay Lloyd, “ SS Vincenzo e Anastasio at Tre Fontane near Rome”, Michigan (2006)

Return to Legend of the Twelve Syrians I: Factual Summary
Legend of the Twelve Syrians II: St Anastasius
Legend of the 12 Syrians III: St Brictius  
Legend of the 12 Syrians IV:  SS Carpophorus and Abundius 

Return to the page on Saints Venerated in Umbria.

Legend of the Twelve Syrians

V: Analysis: Other Saints

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Legend of the Twelve Syrians: I: Factual Summary   

II: St Anastasius;   III: St Brictius;   IV:  SS Carpophorus and Abundius;   V: Other Saints