[Early work?] Francesco di Guido, who established a business in Perugia, worked continuously in the Abbazia di San Pietro (below) in the period 1506-35 . His son, Guido di Francesco, and later his grandson Francesco di Guido Giovane carried on the business after his death: both are recorded in San Pietro, the latter until 1590.
Work at San Pietro
As noted above, Francesco di Guido worked continuously in the Abbazia di San Pietro in the period 1506-35 over-seeing the remodelling of the church that was in part required by the liturgical changes that followed the Council of Trent.
Pulpits (1521)

The work by Francesco di Guido in the church included the two gilded stone pulpits that flank the presbytery.
Cappella Ranieri (1506)
Francesco di Guido built the Cappella Ranieri, San Pietro for Donna Leonarda Olivieri Baglioni. It subsequently passed to the Ranieri family.
Cappella Vibi (re-modelled in 1506)
Francesco di Guido re-modelled the Cappella Vibi, San Pietro for Baglione di Ugolino dei Montevibiani. The contract specified that this re-modelling was to be the design of what is now Cappella Ranieri (see above).
Chiostro del Pozzo (early 16th century)

This main cloister of the Abbazia di San Pietro, the design of which is attributed to Francesco di Guido, is also known as the Chiostro del Pozzo, a reference to the well (1530) at its centre.
Cappella di San Tommaso da Villanova (1523)

[Also worked in San Francesco al Prato and Montemorcino Vecchio]