Detail of fresco (14th century)
San Ventura
St Ventura Spellucci is reputed to have lived in Spello in the 12th century. He belonged to the Order of Crosiers, an order that was dedicated to the care of pilgrims. He built a church on his family estate, which he dedicated to Santa Croce, together with an adjoining convent and a hospice for pilgrims traveling to Rome.
When he died, St Ventura was buried in Santa Croce, and miracles were reported at his tomb, and he seems subsequently to have been regarded as a patron saint of Spello. Although he was never formally canonised, Pope Clement IV referred to the church as “San Ventura” in a bull of 1265.
The relics of St Ventura are still preserved under the high altar in a sarcophagus that seems to date to the 12th century. His feast was probably originally celebrated on 30th April (or perhaps 31st May); it was moved to the 3rd May, the Feast of the Holy Cross, in the 14th century.
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