Bartolomeo di Mattiolo, who was based in Perugia from at least 1437, became the leading architect in the city.
Work on the Duomo (1437, 1451-7)

Work in San Domenico (1438-52)
Payments made for the columns of the church of San Domenico and its vaulting included a number to Bartolomeo di Mattioli in 1438-52. He subsequently endowed an altar in the church, where he chose to be buried.
Collegio di Cambio (1452-6)

Arcade in Piazza Sopramuro (1454, 1468-9)

Pope Nicholas V conceded the right to build along the parapet of the Piazza del Sopramuro (now Piazza Matteotti) to the confraternity that owner the nearby Ospedale di Santa Maria della Misericordia in 1453. They commissioned Gasparino di Antonio and Bartolomeo di Mattioli di Torgiano to build an arcade of shops. Bartolomeo was employed again to execute the vaulting in 1468-9. (The Palazzo dell'Università, later Palazzo dell'Università Vecchia, was built above this arcade in 1490).
Campanile of San Francesco al Prato (1455)

Gonfalone di San Francesco al Prato (1464) Gonfalone di San Bernardino (1465)
(detail) by Benedetto Bonfigli (detail) by Benedetto Bonfigli
Oratorio di San Bernardino Galleria Nazionale (Room 14)
San Francesco al Prato was largely rebuilt in 1740-8, and its campanile by Bartolomeo di Mattiolo no longer survives. However, it can be seen in these two processional banners.
Façade of the Oratorio di San Bernardino (1457-62)

Outer Arches of Porta San Pietro (1459-81)
In 1458, the Commune commissioned Bartolomeo di Mattioli to build an outer gate at Porta San Pietro that would provide a more fitting entrance to the city. The shortcomings in this respect of the existing structure must have been evident in the following year, when Pope Pius II made his ceremonial entrance into the city, after having spent the previous night at the Abbazia di San Pietro. Nevertheless, very little seems to have been spent on the project by 1472, when Bartolomeo died. (The project was revived in the following year, reconfigured in 1475 and executed by Agostino di Duccio in the period to 1481).
Tribune of the Duomo (1457-9)

Vaults of San Fortunato (1458-62)

Read more:
D. Pisani, “Piuttosto un Arco Trionfale che una Porta di Città: Agostino di Duccio e la Porta San Pietro a Perugia”, (2009) Venice (particularly pp 54-5 and notes)
S. Magliani, “L’ Architettura Quattrocentesca del Palazzo dei Priori: il Collegio del Cambio e i suoi Artefici”, in
P. Scarpellini (Ed.), “Il Collegio del Cambio in Perugia”, (1998 ) Perugia pp 45-66