Key to Umbria: Orvieto

Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo

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Museum: Introduction; Sale degli  Affreschi & della Maestà (Rooms I and II);

Room III; Room IV; Room V; Sala delle Sinopie (Room VI)

The Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo was formed in 1882 and moved to Palazzo Soliani in 1897.  This closed in 1989 and the collection was inaccessible to the public for a considerable period.  It was laid out in the first floor of the Palazzi Papali and opened to the public in 2006. 

  1. The ticket office and the first room of the museum, the Sala degli  Affreschi are in the room above the old episcopal library.

  2. The Sala della Maestà (Room II) is at the top of the entrance staircase.

  3. Room III is in a space sometimes referred to as the chapel of the palace of Pope Martin IV;

  4. Room IV is in the main room of this palace;

  5. Room V is in the palace of Pope Nicholas IV; and

  6. the Sala delle Sinopie (Room VI) is in the palace of Pope Urban IV.

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