Key to Umbria: Orvieto

Cristoforo da Marsciano (died after 1534)

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Cristoforo da Marsciano in:  Orvieto

Cristoforo Bartolomei da Marsciano is documented in Palazzo Albèri, Orvieto in 1499 and again in 1504.  He might well have worked on the frescoes of the library attached to the Duomo, which was built by Antonio degli Albèri during his tenure as Archdeacon of the Duomo in the period 1497-1503.

Two other documents in the archives of Orvieto link Cristoforo da Marsciano to the frescoes in the apse of San Rocco (below).


Frescoes in San Rocco (ca. 1530)

These damaged frescoes in the apse of San Rocco depict:

  1. Christ in judgement with the Virgin and SS John the Baptist, Sebastian and Roch, in the lunette; and

  2. the Madonna and Child with SS Francis, Sebastian, Roch and Augustine, on the curved wall below.

This work is probably associated with two documents in the archives of Orvieto:

  1. one of 1527 in which Cristoforo da Marsciano undertook to paint an image of the Virgin and saints within two months; and

  2. another of 1534 in which the same artist requested payment from the heirs of Eusebio Gaspare di Montefiascone for paintings that he had executed in the apse of San Rocco.

Read more:

L. Guidi di Bagno, “La Pittura del Tardo Quattrocento e Inizi del Cinquecento nelle Chiese e nei Palazzi di Orvieto”, in

  1. C. Benocci et al. (Eds), “Storia di Orvieto: Quattrocento e Cinquecento” (2010) Pisa, Volume II (pp 423-7, which include illustrations of the frescoes in San Rocco)

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