Scholars have speculated that Michelangelo Braidi came from Northern Italy, but all of his known works are in and around Narni. The first of these is a signed altarpiece in Sant’ Angelo in Massa (see below) which was painted in 1595 when Braidi was 26 years old. Surviving documents record that Paolo Pacetti, the parish priest of nearby Taizzano, commissioned an altarpiece (see below) from Braidi in 1598. He died in the following year, still only 30 years old, and was buried in San Francesco.
This interesting article in La Pagina relates to this artist.
[Work in the Pinacoteca.]
Sant’ Agostino
Madonna della Cintola (date?)
Outside Narni
Adoration of the Shepherds (1595)
This altarpiece in Sant’ Angelo in Massa, outside Taizzano is signed and dated by an inscription that records that Braidi was 26 years old when he painted the panel in 1595. It is now in a private collection.
Madonna del Rosario (1598)
Surviving documents record that Paolo Pacetti, the parish priest of SS Annunziata, Taizzano, commissioned this altarpiece from Braidi for his church. It is on the Altare del Rosario, which belonged to the Confraternita del Rosario.
SS Francis, Antony Abbot and Bernardino of Siena (ca. 1598)
This fresco in the parish church of Taizzano is attributed to Michelangelo Braidi. It was painted on the altar wall of the Cappella di Sant’ Antonio, which belonged to the Confraternita di Sant’ Antonio, but was later covered by an altarpiece.
Altarpiece of the Franciscan Third Order (16th century)
This altarpiece in Santa Maria della Quercia is attributed to Michelangelo Braidi.
Frescoes in Santa Maria Maggiore ??