Key to Umbria: Gubbio

Excursions from Gubbio

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Towards the Eremo di Fonte Avellana

This excursion by car to see the hermitages around Fonte Avellana will take a full day. [This route needs checking]

Take SS 298 from the Porta Metaura along the Gola di Bottaccione towards Scheggia see Walk II).  The road follows the River Camignano, with the aqueduct (14th century) on the right.  This aqueduct still carries water down to the valley from the reservoir (14th century) at Bottaccione.  At Scheggia, continue along SS 360 [along the gorge that the Romans cut through the rock] towards Sassoferrata.    

After 13 km, turn right towards Fossato di Vico.  The Abbazia di Sant’ Emiliano is at this junction, which is also the confluence of the Freddo and Sentino rivers. 

Continue along the minor road to Pascelupo and the Eremo di San Girolamo di Monte Cucco.

Return to the SS 360 and turn left to Isola Fossara and then right to the Abbazia di Santa Maria di Sitria.  

Continue to the junction and turn left to the Eremo di Fonte Avellana.

Towards Umbertide

Leave Gubbio by Via Tifernate to join road 219 (towards Umbertide). 


Remains of temples (2nd century BC) at Monteleto (on the left) and Nogna,

both from photographs displayed in the Antiquarium

This road passes the sites of two temples that were built on the borders of Roman Iguvium:

  1. the so-called Temple of Diana at Monteleto, some 7 km from Gubbio; and

  2. another temple at Nongna (Castello Cortevecchio), which is reached by a right turn some 200 meters further on.

Return to the main road and continue for some 1o km, to Camporeggiano and the Abbazia di San Bartolomeo.

To the Abbazia di Vallingegno

Take Via Perugina, which becomes road 298 for some 14 km, to the Abbazia di San Verecondo di Vallingegno, which is on the left just before the village of Scritto.