Key to Umbria: Todi

Museo Archeologico

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The city did not form its archaeological collection until 1871, by which time many of its most important ancient treasures had found their way into other collections in Rome and elsewhere.

Fibulae (8th –7th centuries BC)

The museum exhibits a collection of ancient fibulae that seem to have come from the necropoles of Todi.

Bronze votive offerings (5th – 3rd centuries BC)

The museum exhibits a number of small votive bronzes that have been found in and around Todi at various times.  These are often in the form of a warrior or a praying woman.

Architectural terracottas (4th century BC)

A number of terracotta fragments that were found in a narrow trench near Porta Catena in 1925 may once have decorated a temple that probably stood under Santa Maria in Camuccia.  The temple was probably in use in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, and was perhaps destroyed in the urban development under Roman rule.  Among these fragments are two female heads that were originally painted and were probably made in Volsinii.

Marble Base (early 1st century AD)

This base, which is of unknown provenance, contains reliefs on three sides, which depict: Hercules stealing the tripod of the oracle at Delphi (which led to a terrible fight with Apollo); the reconciliation of Hercules and Apollo and the return of the tripod; and a sacrifice in honour of Apollo.

Marble base with Inscription (1st century AD)

The humanist Ciriaco d’ Ancona (1391-1452) is the earliest source of commentary on this inscription.  He recorded that it had formed the base of a statue of Mars near Porta Marzia before being moved to San Fortunato.  It was moved to the Museum in 1879.  The inscription records that Lucius Cancrius dedicated it to Jove (Giove Ottimo Massimo) for having punished a slave who had defaced an earlier inscription on the monument and thus liberated the city from the fear of future misfortune.    

Bonze Pig (1st or 2nd century AD)

This object, which weighs over 30 Kg, was found in1902 in a well near Palazzo Petrucci Ciuffelli.

Tabula Patronatus (2nd century AD)

This bronze inscription records the election of a patronus (an important magistrate who acted as a civic protector and sponsor of public works) of Todi.  Unfortunately, only a fragment survives, and the name of the magistrate has been lost.  

Municipal Coin Collection

Coin Collection (from the early 4th century BC)

Todi minted its own coins from pre-Roman times until relatively recently.  The collection contains some 1500 coins and spans this entire period.  The most interesting are the oldest, which bear the legend Tutere and use an Etruscan weight standard. A Roman weight standard came into use at the time of the Second Punic War, suggesting the emergence of Roman dominance.

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